I was born in Bergamo, Italy, on December 9th, 1980. I graduated in natural sciences as a botanist, with a field thesis about alpine prairies.

I always share my interests between the scientific study of nature and its various ways of representation, especially scientific illustrations and paintings. I’m a self-taught photographer and around the mid-00s I started using the large format camera, which is my main tool of expression. My artistic practice revolves around looking at things as a way of thinking about time, experience and how we shape our inner ideas of space and place. I’m actually focused on long-term series about erratic boulders, trees and German landscapes. I’m living between Bergamo and northern Germany.

Portrait of Giorgio Agazzi, by Andrea Restello

Photo by Andrea Restello


2014 – L’orto (A piece of land) – PopUp Design Gallery – Brera – Milano


2014 – Ritratti (with two pictures from the series “Looking trees”) PopUp Design Gallery – Brera – Milano


2023 – “A piece of land” appeared on front cover and featured in the number 47 of ARK, a trimestral magazine about landscape and architecture. The main topic of the issue is “Rivolta” (riot). Text by Elena Turetti.

Finding a reason why I take pictures, I would say that I use photography as a way to bring what I see in the reach of my boundaries. By framing, the subjects come to our scale: we take the picture of a mountain, we print it down and then we can hold it in our hands. At the core of my artistic practice, there’s the observation of things in the landscape as a way of thinking through my subjects, trying to find analogies and connections between myself and the physical world. Besides that, time becomes one of my deepest fascinations: how could things teach us something about time? As a large format photographer, time is key. Although when using smaller cameras, I feel myself as someone who wants to see slowly. For me, the large format and his unhurried rituality represent a way of inhabiting the landscape. After choosing where to stand and setting everything up, I go under the dark cloth and look at the world through the ground glass, feeling suspended between a window and a mirror. “Even the shadow is a dwelling”.*

Giorgio Agazzi

* Gaston Bachelard, Poetics of space. Chapter 5 – The shell; 1958.


For general inquiries, collaborations, and private commissions as portraits, special projects or pictures of whatever, please contact me.